Conditions of sale

Conditions of sale


General conditions of sale for online purchase on

RINOMATA RAMERIA MAZZETTI with registered office in Montepulciano (SI), Piazzetta del teatro n° 4, P.IVA 00022240527, (hereinafter "RAMERIA MAZZETTI"), makes it available to all users the possibility to purchase its products on-line, under the brand Bottega del Rame (hereinafter "Products"), through the Website (hereinafter the "Website") as sole and exclusive brand owner.

1) General notes

The following general conditions of sale (hereinafter "General Conditions") are in accordance with the Consumer’s Code (Legislative Decree no. 206, dated 2005), section II, “Of Distance Contracts” (Articles 50 – 67) and with the provisions on e-commerce (Legislative Decree no. 70, dated 2003). The following conditions only apply to e-commerce purchases of the Products listed on this Website.
The Customer (hereinafter the "Customer") is invited to print or store the following General Conditions.

Should the General Conditions change during the filling in of an order (hereinafter "Purchase Order") the General Conditions published on the Website at the moment of the Purchase Order submission shall apply.

2) Public offering

Products and their prices shown on the Website are a public offering, in compliance with the procedures stated in the General Conditions and on the Website itself. The General Conditions of such an offer only apply to online purchase.
The purchase contracts (hereinafter "Contracts") signed on the Website are entered into with RAMERIA MAZZETTI.

3) Prices

Prices are inclusive of VAT.
Customers residing in countries outside the EU are exempt from VAT payment.
Delivery costs (hereinafter "Delivery Costs") are charged to the Customer and are adequately highlighted in the Purchase Order.
The applicable prices are those displayed on the Website at the moment of the confirmed submission, without any regards to previous offers or any changes in price that occurred afterwards.


Purchase Orders shall be performed online through the order procedure (hereinafter "Order Procedure") on the Website.
To fill in the Purchase Order, the Customer shall comply with the following rules:

The Customer performs and correctly completes the Order Procedure. If the Website does not show any error messages the Purchase Contract shall come into force when RAMERIA MAZZETTI receives the Purchase Order.
Then, RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall inform the Customer of the successful reception of the Purchase Order through an Order Confirmation e-mail (hereinafter "Order Confirmation") sent to the Customer's e-mail address.
This Order Confirmation shall summarize the details of the Products chosen and their prices (including the Delivery Costs), the delivery address, the Order Number (hereinafter "Order Number"), and the General and Special Conditions that apply to the Purchase Order.
The Customer undertakes to verify the accuracy of the data contained in the Order Confirmation and to inform RAMERIA MAZZETTI of any data change within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the reception of the Order Confirmation. Any increased cost determined by data errors not punctually reported by the Customer shall be charged to the Customer.
The Order Number generated by the system and reported to RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall be used by the Customer in any communication with RAMERIA MAZZETTI.

It may happen that some of the offered Products are not available. If the Products chosen by the Customer is not, in whole or in part, available within a reasonable period of time, RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall inform the Customer.

5) Methods of payment

Payment can be made ​​on-line by credit card, PayPal, bank transfer and, only in Italy, through cash on delivery.
In the case of cash on delivery payment, the Customer shall be charged the cost of this procedure which shall be clearly highlighted in the Summary of purchase before the conclusion of the Order.
In order to guarantee secure transactions, RAMERIA MAZZETTI reserves the right to request a copy of the identity document of the Cardholder.
The Customer is charged the amount due for his/her purchased products when he/she receives the Order Confirmation.
RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall issue an invoice for the purchased products and send it upon the Products’ shipment. The billing address data will be those given by the Customer. No data variation will be possible after the invoice has been issued.


6) Methods of delivery

RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall ship the Products (hereinafter "Delivery Service") through specialized carriers (hereinafter "Carriers") only in the geographical areas specified on the Website.
At the time of delivery, it is required the presence of the Customer or of a trusted person to check that the packaging is intact and clean and that the Products received correspond to those summarized on the Purchase Order.
Should the Customer notice any visible fault, or wrong quantity of products or wrong product or damaged packaging, the Customer or his trusted person shall report it on the transport document and contact RAMERIA MAZZETTI via e-mail at, no later than 10 (ten) days after the delivery.

RAMERIA MAZZETTI usually delivers its products within 15 (fifteen) working days from the Purchase Order date, except in cases of temporary unavailability of some or all of the Products ordered.
No responsibility can be attributed to RAMERIA MAZZETTI in the case of non-compliance with the Delivery. The delivery will take place without prior appointment and shall be deemed as made to the street level.

The delivery on Italian territory is carried out by Poste Italiane, the delivery to the rest of the world is carried out by DHL or EMS.

7) Delivery costs

Delivery Costs are charged to the Customer and are adequately highlighted on the Website.

8) Customer service

Customers can get information about the after-sales service contacting RAMERIA MAZZETTI through the Contact us box.

9) Right of Withdrawal

If the Customer is considered as a "Consumer" as provided for by Article 3 of the Consumer’s Code, he/she is entitled to the rights set forth in Article 64 of the same Code, within the limits provided by that provision and therefore he/she is entitled to exercise his/her Right of Withdrawal from the Purchase Contract (hereinafter "Right of Withdrawal") without being liable to any penalty and without giving any reason, in accordance with the procedures set forth below.
The Consumer shall exercise his/her right to withdraw all the Products (Total Withdrawal) or only some of the products (Partial Withdrawal) bought from RAMERIA MAZZETTI.
Right of Withdrawal can be exercised by sending a written notification by no later than 15 (fifteen) days from the date the goods have been received, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt addressed to:

Piazzetta del Teatro, 4
53045 Montepulciano (Siena)
The notification can also be sent, by the same term, by e-mail (to provided that confirmation is also given by recorded delivery with acknowledgement of receipt by no later than 48 hours thereafter.
The withdrawal notification shall specify the intention to withdraw from the Purchase Contract and the Product(s) for which the Consumer intends to exercise the right of withdrawal. The Consumer shall attach a copy of the related invoice, of the transport document or way-bill.
The Customer shall also confirm in the notification that the Product(s) are intact and preserved in perfect condition in their original packaging, complete in all their parts.
Customers can download from the Website a pre-compiled form to be used for the notification of withdrawal.
If the Right of Withdrawal has been correctly exercised by the Customer, RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall provide the Customer with a File Number by e-mail. This number will be reported by the Customer at the time of the returning of the Product(s) (hereinafter "Returning").
Product(s) shall be returned by no longer than 30 (thirty) days from Product(s) reception date.
In order to make Product(s) Returning easier, RAMERIA MAZZETTI makes a transport service available to its Customers who specifically request it.
For any further information about Delivery Costs and procedures, Customers can contact RAMERIA MAZZETTI by e-mail to

The Right of Withdrawal is subject to the following conditions:

The right applies to single Product(s) purchased in their entirety;
The purchased Product(s) shall be intact and returned in their original package, complete in all of their parts (including packaging and ancillary documents);
Delivery Costs for the return of the Product shall be borne by the Customer;
Returning procedure is under the full responsibility of the Customer.

If the Right of Withdrawal is correctly exercised by the Customer, RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall refund the Customer the full amount paid, net of Delivery Costs, within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the receipt of the notice of Withdrawal. The amount shall be refunded net of expenses of the Product(s) Returning which will be borne by the Customer.

Download here the "Right of Withdrawal form".

10) Guarantees

a) Legal guarantee for Consumer
Consumers, as defined by Article 3 of Consumers’ Code (hereinafter "Consumers’ Code"), Legislative Decree n. 206, dated 6 September 2005) is entitled to rely on the legal guarantee provided by the Consumers’ Code pursuant to Articles 128 to 132, included.
This Guarantee provides, among other things, that the Consumer, subject to revocation, shall notify to RAMERIA MAZZETTI any lack of conformity observed in the Product(s) purchased by the Consumer, provided that the lack of conformity was notified by no later than 2 (two) months after the discovery thereof (Article n. 132, Consumer's Code).
As a result of his/her notification, the Consumer shall be entitled to have the goods brought into conformity by repair or replacement, without prejudice to all the other rights provided for by Consumer's Code.
The aforementioned legal guarantee shall be valid for a maximum of 2 (two) years after delivery of the goods. RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall not be held liable where the lack of conformity becomes apparent beyond the aforementioned term.
In case of replacement or repair of the Product(s), the guarantee terms of the replaced or repaired Products remain the same. Therefore, the overall duration of the two-year guarantee shall be intended to start by the delivery date of the original Product(s) purchased.
In order to obtain the guarantee service, it is recommended to attach the purchase document.
In all cases, please refer to Articles 128 et seq. of the Consumer's Code for the regulation of the legal guarantee.

b)Legal guarantee for Non-Consumer Customers
Non-consumer Customers, as defined by Article 3 of Consumers’ Code, are entitled to rely on the legal guarantee provided by the Italian Civil Code.
This Guarantee provides, among other things, that the Non-Consumer Customer, subject to revocation, shall notify to RAMERIA MAZZETTI any lack of conformity observed in the Product purchased by the Consumer, provided that the lack of conformity was notified by no later than 8 (eight) days after the discovery thereof.
The aforementioned Legal Guarantee shall be valid for a maximum of 12 (twelve) months after delivery of the goods. RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall not be held liable where the lack of conformity becomes apparent to the Non-Consumer Customer beyond the aforementioned term.
In order to obtain the guarantee service, it is recommended to attach the purchase document.

Any Product(s) purchased are guaranteed for 2 years, as provided by the Consumer's Code.
The Guarantee shall start from the date Product(s) have been delivered to the Customer's address reported on the on-line Purchase form.
In order to obtain the guarantee service, it is recommended to attach the purchase document.

11) Privacy policy

RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall process Customer's data in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on protection of personal data, as specified in the document provided in the section Information pursuant to Section 13 of Legislative Decree, dated 30 June 2003.

12) Notification

Any Notification to RAMERIA MAZZETTI shall be addressed to

13) Jurisdiction

Any disputes concerning the interpretation or execution of this contract shall be settled exclusively by the Court of Montepulciano, without prejudice to the application of the provisions of the Consumer's Code in case of goods purchased by Customers.

General terms and conditions of online sale (PDF)

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